Aspire360 in Oz
We are delighted to announce that we have a new client using the 360 feedback system. The company is based in Australia and we are very happy to be providing 360 services to them!
We are delighted to announce that we have a new client using the 360 feedback system. The company is based in Australia and we are very happy to be providing 360 services to them!
A team from Aspire (thank you Su, Anne, Martha and Stuart) has been working in partnership with the University of Cumbria to design and facilitate a strategic leadership development programme called the Sustainable Leadership Programme. The University of Cumbria have been shortlisted in this year’s Times Higher Education Awards in the category of Outstanding Contribution to Leadership […]
Interested in understanding more about the importance of values and going the extra mile in the NHS? Find out more in a new published paper on ‘Pro-social organisational behaviour of health care workers’. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 24(16), 3115-3130. A full version of this article can be found at Synopsis For many years some people […]
Great news, Dr Paula Hyde, Prof Paul Sparrow, Prof Ruth Boaden and Claire from Aspire have a recently had a paper on “High performance HRM: NHS employee perspectives”, accepted and its due to published in issue 27,3 of Journal of Health Organization and Management!
I have recently read a couple of articles on evaluating the impact of coaching. Professor Rob Briner wrote in the BPS publication OP Matters in November about the limited evidence for the effectiveness of coaching and poses some interesting questions around the ethics of occupational psychologists doing coaching. I am currently involved in several programmes […]